
Monday, September 10, 2012


Well after almost a year break from my blog I am back in the saddle and ready to share with the world the adventures I take! I have so much going on so, maybe a quick update is in order. 
As you already know Chris and I are expecting our first baby here in the next week or two.   We are over the moon excited and can't wait for him to get here.  His name is going to be Grant Mitchell Sorensen!  The nursery is almost done we are just working on some finishing touches. It turned out so cute! We decided to not go with a theme as those of you know it is a good day if I even wear matching socks! I am not really a theme kinda girl.  That being said I feel that we have left enough room to change things as we get to know Grant and his personality.  If he is anything like his daddy he is bound to have a awesome personality! :)  Chris is loving his job as a paramedic! I am so proud of him! Last time I posted he was still in his probationary year but now over a year later he is a full blown member of the crew! I have since gotten a job as a dispatcher.  Last time I posted I had not gotten the job but now I have been here almost nine months! It is very challenging and stretches me as a person everyday but I do really enjoy the challenge.  Despite all the stress and headaches I get sometimes at the end of the day it is a very rewarding job and I love helping people! Now I just have to remember to let the stress go, it has a habit of following me home!

On a completely different note now I am at a crossroads trying to determine what to turn this blog into.  Should it be a family blog where I post what our family does and pictures? Should it be a blog about the recipes I try and their successes and failures?  Or should it be one of those blogs that shows the big picture, where I show not only the family and recipes but share what I am pondering at the time?

YES that is it! This is going to be a all inclusive blog of whatever I feel like posting. That's right blogger world whatever I feel like! So liberating! So there you have it, a combination of my family pics (probably a ton of baby Grant pics), music I am listening to, recipes I am trying, things I am intrigued by, etc.

Now for a short blurb on my four fitness goals! I figure if I share it with the blogging world there will be some sense of accountability.
Goal #1- Whatever weight I am after I deliver our bundle of job I would like to lose five more pounds from that point by Christmas!
Goal#2- Log at least 2 1/2 hours of purposeful physical activity a week! (Dr. said that every bit counts and pulling apart at the big picture each week is just as useful as saying work out four days a week) That being said with the hours that Chris and I work it is just not feasible to make a commitment to getting to the gym a set amount of days a week!
Goal#3- By Christmas I would like to be able to run two miles with out stopping for any walking breaks.  Now Chris is pretty confident that I will be able to accomplish this goal far before this and I replied that I would adjust the goal if I made it sooner!  There is always room for change since they are my goals I am entitled to change them. Right?
Goal #4- I would like to run a 5k with my hubby! I should probably set a goal date for this one but, I will just figure out what race he is planning to shoot for and go from there.  The goal is simply to FINISH!

 And for some other misc. goals.....

Goal #1- To be the best mommy I can be! I know this may sound generic and obvious but I really want to focus in on spending time with my little guy and giving him all the love that I can! I want to show him how amazing this amazing world that God has created is!

Goal #2- Stress less! I tend to be easily stressed and to alleviate this I have decided to slow things down and enjoy life more.  Stop sweating so many of the little issues in life.  I have decided to focus in on some activities that relieve stress like running and relaxing on my back deck with the family.

Goal #3-  To make some ME time every once and awhile.  While this may sound selfish I have realized that I have lost sight of some of the things that I love doing. So in attempt to not "lose myself" I have decided to get back to some of those old hobbies that make me, ME! I plan to read more books, do some scrap booking, go biking, play tennis, and learn to snowboard.

Goal #4- Cooking! I love to cook however, I have not been doing a lot of it lately.  I am not sure if it is due to being pregnant and not wanting to spend lots of time in the kitchen or what the issue is.  All I know, is that I would like to get back to trying new things and experimenting with food.  I never want to hear my husband tell me again that he ate tortilla chips and muffins for about feeling like a bad wife. 

Goal #5- Quality time with the husband.  It seems that so often when the hubby and I have time off from work that we fill it with "projects".  We may go a few days with our work schedules not ever getting the chance to really communicate.  We both want to work on finding time to spend together even if it is just 15 minutes chatting over breakfast.  I know this one may be a struggle as we will be even more busy with the baby then we are now. However, it is an absolute must to put our relationship high on the priority list in order to make this whole family strong!

Goal #6-walking the walk. I need to focus on my relationship with Christ.  I know none of the other goals above are possible without the strength that God gives me.  I know that I can accomplish all things through him.  I need to really bring my focus back down to what really matters.  I plan to start reading my bible more and doing some verse memorization.  I hope that this not only makes me closer with God but also helps me learn more of the Word which I can teach to my son.  Something else I would like to make a priority is getting to worship.  With the schedules that Chris and I work I know that going to church every week is not possible.  We work every other weekend ( it is crazy people still have emergencies on the weekend) ;) , so getting there when we have a weekend off is going to be the focus.  Possibly mid week service instead if we can make it work.

So there we have it some goals for the upcoming months.  I know I can do these all ! They are all things that I really long for and can accomplish,  check back for updates as time goes!

Thanks for reading!
Love, joy, peace and blessings!

P.S. what is playing on my radio! Great song!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Fun!

Good Afternoon!

Here the weather has finally become like fall! When the weather turns fall like we here at the Sorensen house want to get out and enjoy all the fall activites! Meaning time to get out and pick some apples which is exactly what we did!
Yesterday we went apple picking for the very first time! It was so much fun! Of course I had to try one of each of all the apples so that we knew which ones we wanted to pick!

We had a great time tasting and exploring all that Spicer's Orchards had to offer! We came home with 41 Mutsus, 4 Ida Reds, a few Northern Spies, and 3 Jonathans!

All in all it was a great day! Now the only question was what to do with all our apples! So we made apple tart, apple crisp and for good measure homemade carmel corn!

Homemade Carmel Corn Recipe
A family recipe revised by Kristin Sorensen
I revised it because I like extra carmel!
  •  Stick margerine or butter
  • 1 cup light corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • hot air popcorn- two batches
1. First prepare the hot air popcorn. Go through to take out all the "old maids" (kernals)
2. Melt butter in a microwaveable bowl.
3. After butter is melted add brown sugar, corn syrup and salt.  Place in microwave.  Watch until it starts to bubble and expand.  Once that starts time it for two minutes.  Remove from microwave and make sure to place on a trivet! It will be really hot!
4. Add baking soda and stir. The carmel will become a creamier color.  It will also expand. 
5. Lastly add vanilla.
6. After all ingredients have been incorporated carefully stir over hot air popcorn.  CAUTION! Do not burn yourself with the carmel it is very warm! 

Now to settle down on the couch for some warm apple cider and tv time with my two favorite dogs Kota and Berk!

Now for a song to send you off!

Hold Me- Jamie Grace & TobyMac

Have a great fall afternoon!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

Happy middle of the week! Welcome to Bless Our Nest. We are Chris and Kristin (Kris) Sorensen! We are newlyweds who are busy living every day to the fullest. Chris is a paramedic and I am currently a stay at home wife who just had a job interview and will be starting soon as a 911 dispatcher.  We also have two black labs who we spoil as if they were our children.  We hope to add to our nest with a minivan full of children in the future!

I originally started a recipe blog but had a bunch of technical difficulties.  Therefore I have decided to start this blog to share our daily activities and and adventures as a couple. Included in this blog will be recipes we try, trips we take, organizational endeavors we embark on, and the money saving tips that are worth giving a shot. It all boils down to the fact that this blog will be filled with the lessons we learn together as we embark on this adventure together! I am so grateful that God brought Chris into my life. Just when you think you have a plan God shows us that he is in charge and has our future in his hands!

My newest endeavor is trying to decide how to plan for retirement.  I know being young and just starting out I am getting a head start on it however, I know it will be to our advantage to have a plan and start saving NOW!   I have been doing research on 401ks, Roth and traditional IRAs and other types of more aggressive investments.  It is all very overwhelming!  If you have any ideas on how to save for retirement please leave a comment for this post!

For the rest of the afternoon I will be baking something yummy and getting housework done! More to come on how to set up a home management binder complete with my chore lists and how to get things done! We shall see if these lists need revamping as I start my new job which will have me working 12 hour shifts! However, for now they seem to work, the Mr. makes it out the door with a clean uniform on and meals in tote for his 24 hour shifts! So, as far as that goes we are seeing success from the lists and the organization. 

And as my signature on this blog, I would like to leave each post with a song to listen to we are big music fans here in "our nest" lol! This song holds a special place in our hearts so ENJOY!

Dave Barnes "God Gave Me You"

Have a blessed day!